Run a task


Learn how to run a task on CAVATICA.


  1. Create a draft task.
  2. Optionally designate your task as a Batch task.
  3. Select your input files.
  4. Define any custom app settings.
  5. Run the analysis,

[ 1 ] Create draft task

While you configure your task, it is in a draft state and is labelled as a DRAFT task. Follow the steps below to create a draft task.

  1. Find the app you would like to use in your analysis
  2. Click Run.

This creates your draft task.

[ 2 ] (Optional) Designate your task as a Batch task

Click the toggle next to Batching to switch between Single and Batch tasks. Learn more about types of tasks.

If you toggle back to a single task at any point, your batch settings will be preserved. Simply turn on batching once more to return to your settings.

[ 3 ] Select input files

Note that Input files must have already been added to your project.

  1. Click Select file(s) next to the desired type of input data. If the input type for a tool has been specified as folder (applies only for CWL 1.x), you will have the option to select a folder and thus all files within the folder by clicking Select folders.
  2. In the file picker, tick the checkbox next to the desired file.
  3. Click Select.

This selects your input file(s) for the task you are configuring. Note that some apps may suggest reference files.


Please note that allowed characters in input file names are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), period (.), semicolon (;), tilde (~) and hash (#). If there are input files containing other characters in their file names, task execution will not be started.

If you are setting up a batch task, be sure to select the Batch by input criteria for all inputs. If a criteria is grayed out, it is not available. Note that you can use custom metadata fields as well as CAVATICA metadata fields as criteria for batching.

[ 4 ] Define app settings

  1. Click Edit Parameters.
  2. Specify your desired app settings.
  3. Click Save.

[ 5 ] Run the analysis

Click Run in the bottom right hand corner to initiate the execution.