App versions
Revisions of all apps (public apps or your apps) are captured on CAVATICA so that you can replicate an analysis at any time. Each execution submitted to CAVATICA is always associated with a specific revision of a specific app to enable reproducibility.
When you view a public app in the public apps gallery, you can access and run all revisions of that app. To view a public app, navigate to the public apps gallery and click the name of the desired app. Once within the app page, click Revisions in the top right corner, as shown below. Select your desired revision from the drop-down menu.

Once you copy a public app in your project, the revision of the app becomes 0. Every iteration you make on the app using the editors are then saved as new revisions. You can access and run all revisions of that app in your project.
To view an app in your project, navigate to the Apps tab and click the name of the desired app. Once within the app page, click Revisions in the top right corner. Select your desired revision from the drop-down menu.
Updating tools in workflows to the latest revision
Whenever a new revision is available for a tool that you have used in a workflow, this will be indicated in the workflow editor by a refresh icon displayed above the tool.
The app will appear green colored in the workflow indicating that a newer version is available. Click the icon to update the tool to the latest revision.

The white button refreshes the tool to the latest version
The refresh icon appears above a tool if:
(a) the tool is a public tool, and CAVATICA team has released a new version of it.
(b) the tool is one you may edit (i.e. you have uploaded it to CAVATICA or it is a copy of a public tool) and somebody in one of your projects has updated its description with the Tool Editor.
Updated less than a minute ago