Payments page


On the Payments page, you can access information about billing.

To access the page, click your username in the top-right corner and select Payments. You see a list of billing groups you manage or belong to as a member.

If you are the administrator of a billing group, you can see details about the group and manage its settings.

View billing group details

To see details about a billing group that you manage, click the name of the billing group.


Billing group

Current Usage

To access your balance details, click the name of your billing group. You can see the following information:


Billing group settings

  • Organization - basic billing group information, including the organization name, contact details, and address.
  • Current usage - a breakdown of storage and analysis costs that include the following items:
    • Analysis usage: Task execution and Data Studio analysis charges, along with additional charges, if any.
    • Storage usage: The cost of files that are currently stored in your project on the Platform, and the cost of data stored in the archive.

Spending Details

To see a detailed breakdown of your computational and storage spendings, select Spending Details from the menu on the left. This will show you:

  • A breakdown for the analysis and storage charges.
  • A breakdown of the charges by project and tasks or Data Studio analyses within a project.

Spending details

By clicking Export to (.xlsx), you can export the spending details into an Excel file containing three sheets:

  • Analysis - Breakdown of costs resulting from running tasks and analyses.
  • Storage - Breakdown of file storage costs.
  • Downloaded - Breakdown of file download costs by user and project.

Group Members

This page lists all members of a billing group and provides options for adding new users to the group, removing them, or giving them admin rights.