Controlled projects
You can view all the controlled projects on CAVATICA by clicking Controlled projects in the navigation bar.

Controlled project membership
You can request to become a member of a project by clicking Send access request. Make sure you provide your contact details and the reason you are requesting project membership in the dialog box that comes up. Once your request is approved by an Admin, you can start collaborating with the other members of the project.
The controlled projects you are a member of are labelled , while the ones you are Admin of are labelled
. The unlabelled projects are the ones you are not a member of.
You can leave the project at any time by clicking from your controlled projects list or the Leave project button in the members list of the project page.
A project can be deleted only by a user with Admin rights.
Project notes
As a CAVATICA member, regardless of your level of access, you can write notes on the project page. This feature facilitates communication between you and your peers, allowing researchers to comment and ask questions regarding the experiments within a project.

To post a comment or ask a question, click Notes to the right of the Settings tab, which opens the Notes side-bar.
Updated less than a minute ago