Public Interactive Analyses


The Public Interactive Analyses gallery provides a selection of interactive Data Studio analyses that are ready to be copied and used in your projects on CAVATICA. The interactive analyses are available to all CAVATICA users as a resource to quickly start their own research using ready-made code and examples.

Access Interactive Analyses

To access the Interactive Analyses gallery, on the main menu bar click Public Apps > Interactive Analyses.

The Interactive Analyses gallery is displayed, showing a single featured analysis at the top and the rest of available analyses below.

Copy an analysis to your project

To run a public interactive analysis, first you need to copy it to one of your projects. To be able to copy an analysis to a target project, you need to have write permission in the project.

To copy a public interactive analysis, follow the steps below:

  1. On the main menu bar click Public Apps > Interactive Analyses. The Interactive Analyses gallery is displayed.
  2. Click Copy next to the analysis you want to use in your project. The Copy analysis dialog is displayed.
  3. (Optional) Customize the analysis name.
  4. Select the Target Project for your analysis. 
  5. Click Copy. Your analysis is now copied to the project. 

To find the analysis in your target project, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to your target project.
  2. Click the Data Studio tab. The analysis is available in the analyses list.
  3. To run the analysis, click Start.