For an introduction on how to use volumes, see the documentation on how to connect to cloud storage.
Since CAVATICA is hosted on AWS, you can use volumes to read and write to AWS buckets, but you only have read access to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) buckets.
These API requests below allow you to mediate access between your cloud storage service provider and the Platform.
Create a volume
List volumes
Get details of a volume
List the contents of a volume
Get details of a file within a volume
Update a volume
Deactivate a volume
Delete a volume
Start an import job
Get details of an import job
List import jobs
Start an export job
List export jobs
Get details of an export job
List members of a volume
Add members to a volume
Remove members from a volume
Get a volume member's permissions
Overwrite a volume members' permissions
Modify a volume members' permissions