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Seven Bridges knowledge center
API Reference
Release notes
Seven Bridges knowledge center
API Reference
Release notes
Get started
Before you start
Sign up for CAVATICA
CAVATICA quickstart
Account Settings
Payments page
Manage billing groups
Cloud Credits on CAVATICA
Common Fund Data Ecosystem
INCLUDE Cloud Credits
Kids First Cloud Credits
Exceptional Longevity
Connect to a DRS server
Access TCGA data from CAVATICA
Upgrade your account (ERA Commons)
Set up two-factor authentication
Cloud infrastructure pricing
Developer dashboard
Build a workflow tutorial
Upload a custom Python program using a Dockerfile
Create a tar archive
Bring Your Own Tool(s) to CAVATICA
Maintaining and versioning CWL on external tool repositories
Estimate and Manage Your Cloud Costs
Collaborating on CAVATICA: A Guide for Consortia
Access via the visual interface
Access via the API
Set up two-factor authentication
Projects overview
Manage the project dashboard
Controlled projects
Create a project
View a project
Modify project settings
Restrict file downloads
Manage email notifications
Add notes to your project
Leave a project
Delete a project
File repositories on CAVATICA
Copy files using the visual interface
Copy files using the API
Search files on CAVATICA
Tag your files
Activity center
Archive files (AWS)
Archive a file
Restore a file
Delete an archived file
Import individual files (Copy DRS URI)
Bring data to CAVATICA
Upload your data to CAVATICA
Upload from your computer
Upload via the command line
Import from an FTP or HTTP(S) server
Upload via the API
Import from a volume
Import from a DRS server
Import from ELITE portal
Import data from ICDC
Import from the PDC
Import data from CDS
Import data from Gen3 BDC and Gen3 AnVIL
Import data from Gen3 AnVIL to CAVATICA Cloud
Find apps
Workflows and tools
Search for an app
Explore app details
App versions
Copy public apps to a project
Interactive Web Apps
Set metadata associated with a file
Metadata on CAVATICA
System metadata
Metadata schema
Edit metadata using the visual interface
Edit metadata with a manifest
Edit metadata using the command line uploader
Export metadata to a manifest
Edit metadata using the API
Metadata manifest file format
Generate DRS manifest
Collaborate securely
Collaboration on CAVATICA
Add a collaborator to a project
Set permissions
Bring your tools
About the SDK
About the Common Workflow Language
CWL v1.0 improvements over sbg:draft-2
CWL v1.2 conditional execution
Bring Nextflow apps to CAVATICA
Bring WDL apps to CAVATICA
About Docker
Install Docker
The image registry
Create and upload your Docker image
Create and upload your Docker image with a Dockerfile
Core Docker commands
Manage Docker repositories
Mount a USB drive in a Docker container
Developer tools
Get your authentication token
Publish your app in the Public Apps gallery
Edit an app
About the editor
About the tool editor
Introduction to tool wrapping
Create a tool
Tool editor tutorial
Input file options
Advanced practices
Dynamic expressions in tool descriptions
Javascript Cookbook
About the workflow editor
Create a workflow
Workflow editor tutorial
About the workflow editor
Tool wrapping tips and tricks
Javascript Cookbook
Set suggested input values for CWL v1.x apps
Describe your tool (Legacy)
The tool editor
Create a workflow
Edit a workflow
Dynamic expressions in tool descriptions
Public projects
Bulk RNA-Seq Transcription Profiling of HSV-1 Infected Cells
Meta-Analysis Of Cytometry Data From ImmPort Data Repository
MetaCyto Analysis Instructions
Project description
MetaCyto Analysis Walkthrough
MetaCyto Homework assignment
Browse public datasets
Introduction to datasets
TCGA data
TCGA data access
TCGA GRCh38 data
CCLE data
TARGET GRCh38 data
CPTAC data
CCLE metadata
TCGA GRCh38 metadata
TARGET GRCh38 metadata
CPTAC metadata
CPTAC-3 metadata
The Data Browser
Data Browser features
Data model versions
Data Browser query structure
Data Browser query: start from an example
Data Browser query: start by searching through a dataset
Data Browser query: start from an existing query
Data Browser query: start from scratch
Data Browser query: multiple dataset query
Access data from the Data Browser
Run an analysis
About analyses
About batch analyses
Run a task
About Memoization (Reuse)
Project and file locations (Multi-cloud)
Import Dockstore apps to Cavatica
Define app settings
About secondary (index) files
Seven Bridges Command Line Interface
Seven Bridges Command Line Interface Reference
Upload and download files
File and metadata
Projects and members
General commands
Task Execution
About task execution
About Spot/Preemptible Instances
Use Spot/Preemptible Instances
Set computation instances
List of available Amazon Web Services US East instances
List of available Google Cloud Platform instances
List of execution hints
Set execution hints at node level
Estimate task costs (Cost estimator)
Review a task
Review the task page
View task stats
View task logs
Job retry
View instance metrics
Real-time job monitoring
Troubleshoot a failed task
Interactive Browsers
Genome Browser
Kids First studies
Kids First studies overview and access
CAVATICA datasets overview
Access to CAVATICA datasets
Connect cloud storage
Amazon Web Services Simple Storage Service (S3) volumes
Attach an Amazon Web Services S3 volume
Attach a Google Cloud Storage volume
Attach a volume through an S3-compatible endpoint
Enabling cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
Connect cloud storage overview
SBFS (Beta)
About SBFS
Install SBFS automatically
Install SBFS manually
Configure SBFS credentials
List available projects for SBFS
Mount a project
Unmount a project
Upgrade SBFS
Uninstall SBFS
Data Studio
About Data Studio
JupyterLab quick reference
RStudio quick reference
Run a Data Studio analysis
Data Studio analysis details
Copy a Data Studio analysis
Data Studio analysis charging
Data Studio environments and libraries
Data Studio analysis editor
Public Interactive Analyses
Analysis results
Download results
View output files
SBFS (Beta)
About SBFS
Install SBFS manually
Install SBFS automatically
Configure SBFS credentials
List available projects for SBFS
Mount a project
Unmount a project
Upgrade SBFS
Uninstall SBFS
SBFS Command reference
General commands