Release note 12.06.21

Metadata editing using manifest files just got easier 

CAVATICA provides the capability to modify metadata for multiple files in a project by using the Export metadata manifest and Edit metadata with manifest options in the File Browser. This release brings some major improvements to this feature:

  • Support for different manifest file formats. Besides CSV, we have added support for the TSV file format.
  • Use either file name or ID to identify a file. Files whose metadata is being edited can be specified using only file ID or file name (along with path) in the manifest file used with the Edit metadata with manifest option.
  • Support for folders. The name column can contain file path within the project (along with the file name) if the file is in a folder instead of the project root.
  • Better file naming and placement. A manifest file generated using the Export metadata manifest action is named in a user-friendly manner, in the manifest__YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS format. Also, an exported manifest file is generated in the project and made available as any other CAVATICA file, meaning it can be downloaded, copied into another project, used in a task, etc.
  • Added file size info. Manifest files exported via the Export metadata manifest option now contain file size information.
  • Handling of non-standard characters. It is possible to have a comma or tab (or any other character) in a manifest file used with the Edit metadata with manifest option. Similarly, these characters will be properly formatted in a manifest file generated by the Export metadata manifest action.

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Recently published apps

We have just published and upgraded versions (from 2.17 to 2.22) of minimap2, a sequence alignment program that aligns DNA or mRNA sequences against a reference database, and minimap2 build index, a reference indexer for minimap2 aligner. 

This week’s publishing streak also includes METAL, a tool for meta-analysis genome-wide association scans. METAL can combine either (a) test statistics and standard errors or (b) p-values across studies (taking sample size and direction of effect into account). A METAL analysis is a convenient alternative to a direct analysis of merged data from multiple studies.
