Release note 11.21.22
DRS export now available on CAVATICA
In order to further improve interoperability and allow our users to move their data in a seamless way across platforms, we have introduced the DRS export option on CAVATICA. With the new functionality, users can generate links to platform files (DRS URIs) and metadata into a manifest file, which can then be used for importing the files and metadata on other platforms. Learn how to generate a DRS manifest file on CAVATICA.
About the Data Repository Service (DRS)
The Data Repository Service (DRS) provides a generic interface to data repositories so data consumers, including workflow systems, can access data in a single, standard way regardless of where it’s stored and how it’s managed. Learn more about DRS.
Recently published apps
We have published the Bracken 2.7 toolkit:
- Bracken (Bayesian Reestimation of Abundance with KrakEN) tool is used for abundance estimation at the species level, the genus level, or above.
- Bracken Build is used to prepare the reference database for Bracken.
In addition, Metagenomics Profiling - Kraken2 workflow has been published on CAVATICA. It is used for metagenomic classification, abundance estimation, and visualization.
We have also published the following tools:
- FlowSOM 2.4.0 which presents an algorithm used to distinguish cell populations from both flow and mass cytometry data in an unsupervised way.
- cytofkit2 0.99.80 which is designed to analyze mass cytometry data from FCS files. It includes preprocessing, cell subset detection, cell subset visualization and interpretation, and inference of subset progression.
- flowAI 1.24.0 which performs quality control on FCS data acquired using flow cytometry instruments. By evaluating three different properties: flow rate, signal acquisition, and dynamic range, the quality control enables the detection and removal of anomalies.