Release note 10.19.20

GA4GH WES and DRS support

Through its engagement in GA4GH (The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health), Seven Bridges actively works with platform development partners and industry leaders to develop standards that will facilitate interoperability.

The GA4GH Cloud Work Stream helps the genomics and health communities take full advantage of modern cloud environments. Its initial focus is on 'bringing the algorithms to the data', by creating standards for defining, sharing, and executing portable workflows. Standards under discussion include workflow definition languages, tool encapsulation, cloud-based task and workflow execution, and cloud-agnostic abstraction of data access.

Cavatica provides support for the following standards:


The Workflow Execution Service (WES) API describes a standard programmatic way to run and manage workflows. Having this standard API supported by multiple execution engines will let people run the same workflow using various execution platforms running on various clouds/environments.

The following API paths are available as a part of the Seven Bridges implementation of WES API:

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DRS API - AuthN/Z Update

The Data Repository Service (DRS) API provides a generic interface to data repositories so data consumers, including workflow systems, can access data in a single, standard way regardless of where it's stored and how it's managed.

With this release, authN/Z method is changed to better reflect specification recommendations: 


All API requests need to have the HTTP header X-SBG-Auth-Token which you should set to your authentication token.

The following API paths are available as part of the Seven Bridges implementation of DRS API:

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Recently published apps

The updated GENESIS apps are now available in our public apps gallery. The new release includes:

  • New Docker image v.2.8.1.
  • Updated input and output descriptions.
  • Comprehensive benchmarking included in the apps description.
  • Standard output included in the task logs.
  • Other minor changes.
