Release note 11.19.18
about 6 years ago by Marko Marinkovic
Open apps for editing in web editors more easily
The option to edit apps in the tool or workflow editor on the Platform is now more accessible through the visual interface. When the Edit option is clicked for an app, all sbg:draft-2 apps will be opened in the corresponding web editor by default. However, you still have the option to edit sbg:draft-2 apps in Rabix Composer, our standalone app editor from the Rabix toolkit. For now, Rabix Composer also remains the only editor for CWL 1.0 apps.
Recently published apps
Control-FREEC 11.5
Control-FREEC analyzes copy-number alterations in exome and whole-genome DNA sequencing. This tool computes, normalizes and segments copy number and beta allele frequency (BAF) profiles, then calls copy number alterations and LOH.