Release note 06.10.24
10 months ago by Marko Marinkovic
The New File Browser is now live
We are thrilled to introduce the new version of the File Browser, designed to enhance user experience with several exciting improvements. Here's what's new:
- 508 Compliant Page - Committed to accessibility, our New File Browser now meets the 508 compliance standards, ensuring a more inclusive experience for all users.
- Infinite Scroll - Page-by-page navigation is a thing of the past. With the introduction of infinite scroll, you can effortlessly browse through files and folders without any interruptions.
- Retrieve File/Folder ID - The ID of any file or folder can now easily be obtained within the visual interface.
- Enhanced Filtering Options - New categories for filtering files and folders are now available ("type", “downloadable”, and "status”) , making it easier for users to find exactly what they are looking for.
- Shift+Click Selection - Selecting multiple files is now effortless. Use Shift+Click to quickly select a range of files and folders.
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